We’re all trying to figure out the best approach to serve customers seamlessly – while keeping everyone safe & happy.
Clear signage and guidelines give most shoppers a feeling of safety and peace of mind.
As either an essential services employee, owner, or a customer – you’ve likely wondered what protocols are in place to adapt to social distancing in different settings. We’ve gathered industry tips from Retail Council of Canada with feedback from official government resources such as Health Canada. Let’s go!
What is social distancing?
Measures taken to prevent the spread of a contagious disease by minimizing contact with others. Social distancing or physical distancing measures include avoiding crowded gatherings, and keeping a safe distance from others. Find out more with the Federal Government’s social distancing tips.
How can retailers prepare?
Retail Council of Canada (RCC) has created an up-to-date COVID-19 checklist for retailers with guidance from Public Health Agency of Canada, Health Canada and provincial health ministries. Some recommendations from RCC include policies for reducing infection at work, ensuring companies have sufficient cleaning resources, and establishing clear communication of such policies to customers and staff.
We’re here to assist stores in implementing RCC’s recommendations – for instance, clearly communicating cough and sneeze etiquette and hand hygiene. Below, find our recommendations for sharing these protocols with your customers and staff. Our social distancing signage can be used throughout stores, in backrooms, breakrooms and more.
Entrance posters

We’ve created a collection of signage options that help to inform customers clearly of social distancing best practices within the store – one-way aisles, checkout lines, and more. It’s helpful to make shoppers aware of all signage to expect within the store – and how to adhere to it.
One-way directional arrows

Store aisles are difficult to maintain social distancing – especially with two-way traffic. One-way floor directional arrows can help to ensure that the store has a more organized traffic flow.
Lineup signs

Lineup signs clearly mark where to stand, while reminding patrons to keep a 2 metre distance between others in-line checking out.
Countertop safety shields

To keep cashiers safe – counter shields offer added protection for their work surface. Find out more from the Federal Government’s COVID-19 prevention recommendations.
Conveyor belt dividers

Tent-shaped dividers communicate helpful checkout tips to end the customer’s store journey. It’s useful to use these to remind store patrons to cough into their elbows and keep a respectful 2 metre distance from others.
Find out more
Social distancing measures such as entrance posters, wayfinding signage, conveyor belt dividers and floor decals keep communication consistent throughout the store. As people continue to adapt to social distancing, and stores keep up-to-date with government and Health Canada recommendations, it’s crucial to keep store patrons aware of all store procedures.
Explore our social distancing signage or connect with your local production centre if you have specific requirements you need addressed. We are here to help you navigate this new way of shopping.
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