Employee giving program
One of the primary functions of the Charitable Office is to instill and encourage altruism in our staff. This mandate led to the development of the Payroll Participation Program in 1999, which operates for a full fiscal year (January 1 to December 31).
Each year, three registered Canadian charities, whose funds raised are distributed within Canada, are selected. The company matches the donations made by the staff dollar for dollar. Participation in this program is 100% voluntary.
Canadian Organic Growers – 56 Harvests Left

The UN estimates that with current farming practices, we have fewer than 56 harvests left (on average) before farmland is severely degraded or destroyed. Regenerative organic agriculture can help Canadian farmers in their fight against climate change and their work in restoring and protecting soil.
When you donate to Canadian Organic Growers (COG), you are directly funding farmers in their work toward transitioning Canadian farmland to regenerative organic agriculture. You are helping to create healthier soils, support biodiversity, and establish a more resilient local food system in the face of climate change and disruptions of supply chains. COG provides education, advocacy and leadership to help build an agricultural system that empowers farmers and consumers, enhances human health, builds community and mitigates climate change while increasing Canadian food security. For more information, visit cog.ca.
Food Banks Canada – After the Bell

In Canada, 1 in 3 people who access food banks are children. This means over 300,000 children in Canada struggle to get enough food each month, which can have long term implications for children’s development, learning and growth.
For most kids, the last day of school marks the beginning of fun summer days filled with sunshine, laughter and friends, but for others, it means the end of the critical in-school meal programs that keep their growing bodies healthy & strong. That’s why Food Banks Canada created After the Bell.
After the Bell is a multifaceted program that focuses on addressing the immediate needs of children experiencing hunger while building towards lifelong skills on nutrition literacy. In 2020, they delivered 130,000 healthy food packs to food banks across Canada to distribute to high-need communities. For more information, visit foodbankscanada.ca.
Myles Ahead – Myles to Mars

Myles Ahead, Advancing Child & Youth Mental Health (“Myles Ahead”) is dedicated to bridging gaps and scaling best practices across Canada that prioritize timely access to appropriate mental health supports and services for children and youth, with the fundamental goal of suicide awareness and prevention. Our approach nurtures partnerships concurrent with initiative development, using an equity, diversity, and inclusion co-design focused systems-thinking lens. The emphasis of our work is to improve the first point of access to mental health services and crisis supports in healthcare, the community, and school settings.
Among our priority initiatives is “Myles to Mars”, developed in recognition of the protective and preventive benefits that Youth Hubs provide. Its mission is to support the co-design of new Youth Hubs in underserved areas and foster the co-integration of best practices for the advancement of existing Youth Hubs throughout Canada. For more information, visit mylesahead.ca.
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